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Q. Can I be Disabled Under Social Security Guidelines if My Problems are Psychological in Nature?
A. Yes. SS law requires a consideration of mental as well as physical factors in deciding disability. The key to…
Q. How Much Will I Receive in Social Security Disability Benefits Every Month?
A. The amount of monthly Social Security benefit checks you receive will depend on what type of program you are…
Q. When Can I Expect a Social Security Hearing?
A. Social Security appeals can be a lengthy process, with significant waiting times between each level of appeal. It often…
Q. Why Does it Take So Long to Get My Social Security Disability Application Approved?
A. Huge numbers of applications, changes in the disability program, and lack of adequate resources have combined to slow down…
Q. What is the Difference Between Social Security and Supplemental Security Income?
A. Both Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are programs administered by the Social Security Administration. Both…
Q. How Long Do I Have to Wait to File for Social Security Disability Benefits?
A. There is no waiting period at all. You can file for Social Security Disability benefits the day you become…
Q. What Type of Disability is Required Before I Qualify?
A. To be eligible for Social Security (SS) benefits, you must have mental and/or physical impairments of such severity that…
Q. If I Win My Social Security Disability Case, How Much “Back Pay” Will I Receive?
A. The exact amount of “back pay” you receive is determined by the Social Security program you are eligible for.…
Q. What Happens When I Am Denied Benefits?
The majority of claimants face multiple denials before obtaining a favorable decision on their claim. DO NOT GIVE UP. Your…
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