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Q. Can I be Disabled Under Social Security Guidelines if My Problems are Psychological in Nature?
A. Yes. SS law requires a consideration of mental as well as physical factors in deciding disability. The key to…
Q. What is the difference between SS and SSI?
Both Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits share the same eligibility criteria for disability: the inability…
Q. What Type of Disability is Required Before I Qualify?
A. To be eligible for Social Security (SS) benefits, you must have mental and/or physical impairments of such severity that…
Q. Once I Am Approved for SSD, Will I be Reviewed for Continued Disability?
A. Probably. You will have an ongoing requirement to report any earned income while you draw SS disability benefits. The…
Q. How Long Will it Take to Start Receiving Social Security Disability Payments?
The time it takes to receive your Social Security Disability payments depends on whether your initial application is approved or…
Q. How Do I Select a Lawyer?
A. Social Security law undergoes regular changes due to new Congressional legislation and Court decisions. Therefore, it’s essential to choose…
Q. How Much Will a Lawyer Cost Me?
A. The approval of attorney fees charged by the lawyer is required by the Administrative Law Judge. Social Security cases…
Q. Can I Work for any Period of Time and Still Receive Social Security Disability Benefits?
A. Generally, No. You are required to report any earnings or substantial gainful activity to the Social Security Administration as…
Q. Can I Draw Workers’ Compensation Weekly Checks and Social Security Checks at the Same Time?
A. Yes, it is possible to receive both Social Security and Workers’ Compensation benefits, but your Social Security check will…