Can I Collect Social Security Disability Benefits for Cancer?

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates there are about 13.7 million Americans who are either currently being treated for cancer, or have been treated for it in the past. About 1.6 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer each year and about 1,600 Americans die of the disease every day. ACS estimates 52,550 people in North…

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Expediting a Successful Social Security Disability Claim

This article takes a look on what you can do to increase your chances of a quick and successful resolution to your Social Security Disability claim. The fight for Social Security Disability Benefits: What’s at Stake The process of winning a Social Security Disability claim may seem interminable, but there are things you can do…

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Are Your Disabilities Covered by Social Security Benefits?

If you are injured or sick and are now unable to continue working, a Franklin NC Social Security disability attorney can help you determine if you are eligible for Social Security benefits. How Does an Individual Qualify? The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a government program. Because of this, there are a number of rules…

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Q. Are Children Eligible for Social Security?

A. Yes, children may be eligible for various Social Security programs based on specific criteria. While many are familiar with “regular” Social Security, which is based on taxes paid while working, there are other programs designed to assist qualified children who meet different requirements, such as financial need, having a disabled or deceased parent, and…

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Q. Can I Draw Social Security if I Have Never Worked Full Time?

A. Yes, if you are unable to work at any job for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or more, and you also have financial need, you may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is a unique program offered by the Social Security Administration specifically designed to provide benefits to individuals who have…

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Q. What is the Difference Between Social Security and Supplemental Security Income?

A. Both Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are programs administered by the Social Security Administration. Both SSD and SSI have a common fundamental requirement for coverage: you must be unable to work at any job for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or longer. However, there are distinct differences between…

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Q. How Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

A. You become eligible for Social Security disability benefits IF you experience mental and/or physical problems of such severity that they prevent you from working for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or more. It’s important to note that the disability should hinder your ability to work in any competitive job within the national…

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Q. What Happens if I Try to Work When I am Receiving Social Security Benefits?

A. According to Social Security law, it is mandatory to report any income or benefits you receive while you are receiving disability checks. It’s important to note that you cannot work and be considered disabled simultaneously. However, the law allows you to make some work attempts without jeopardizing your eligibility for disability benefits. Failing to…

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