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Q. Can I Draw Workers’ Compensation Weekly Checks and Social Security Checks at the Same Time?
A. Yes, it is possible to receive both Social Security and Workers’ Compensation benefits, but your Social Security check will…
Q. Can a Child Disabled Since Birth Receive Social Security Disability Benefits Even if S/He Has Never Worked?
A. Yes. If the child is under age eighteen (18) and you are poor enough, s/he may be able to…
Q. Can I Draw Social Security if I Have Never Worked Full Time?
A. Yes, if you are unable to work at any job for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or…
Q. Why Won’t Social Security Pay for My Disability Without an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearing?
A. In North Carolina, only a small number of applicants are awarded benefits before the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing.…
Q. What Happens if I Try to Work When I am Receiving Social Security Benefits?
A. According to Social Security law, it is mandatory to report any income or benefits you receive while you are…
Q. Can I Draw Private Disability Checks While Also Receiving Social Security Checks for Disability?
A. Yes. The terms of your private disability compensation is contractual and controls whether these payments are pro-rated or changed…
Q. What if My Disability is Caused by Alcohol or Drugs?
A. Legislation passed by Congress places significant restrictions on the eligibility to receive Social Security benefits if your disability is…
Q. Can I be Disabled Under Social Security Guidelines if My Problems are Psychological in Nature?
A. Yes. SS law requires a consideration of mental as well as physical factors in deciding disability. The key to…
Q. How Do I Select a Lawyer?
A. Social Security law undergoes regular changes due to new Congressional legislation and Court decisions. Therefore, it’s essential to choose…